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Turtle tracking bracelet (LIMITED EDITION)
0.28% OFF
Turtle tracking bracelet (LIMITED EDITION)
0.28% OFF
Turtle tracking bracelet (LIMITED EDITION)
0.28% OFF
Turtle tracking bracelet (LIMITED EDITION)
0.28% OFF
Turtle tracking bracelet (LIMITED EDITION)
0.28% OFF
Turtle tracking bracelet (LIMITED EDITION)
0.28% OFF
Turtle tracking bracelet (LIMITED EDITION)

Turtle tracking bracelet (LIMITED EDITION)

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Join us in the fight to save animals

Joining forces in safeguarding

Imagine being able to make a difference in the life of an endangered animal with a simple gesture of love. With the purchase of one of our limited edition bracelets, you can do just that. Each bracelet is a tangible symbol of your decision to join us in the fight to save animals and, at the same time, a fashionable and unique accessory.

A unique bond

By long-distance supporting an animal through your personalized bracelet, you will feel as if you have given real support. You will be able to call your supported animal by its name, follow its stories, and feel a part of its life. Each bracelet comes with a support certificate that will give you all the details about the supported animal, including its name, species, and the conservation project you are contributing. It is a unique experience that will unite you with nature in a special way.

Hope for the future

The conservation of endangered animals is a mission close to our hearts. With your contribution, we can support conservation projects and work to ensure a future for these amazing animals. Purchase your bracelet today and feel proud that you have made a significant contribution to animal conservation. Together we can make a difference.

Turtles in Trouble: The Urgent Need for Conservation Efforts

Turtles are endangered due to a variety of factors, including habitat destruction, pollution, hunting, and the illegal wildlife trade. Climate change is also affecting turtle populations, as rising temperatures are altering the gender ratios of some turtle species. Additionally, the destruction of nesting and breeding habitats, as well as the collection of eggs for consumption, is also contributing to the decline of turtle populations.

There are several ways that individuals and organisations can help turtles:

- Support conservation efforts: Donate to organisations that work to protect turtle habitats and populations.

- Reduce your impact on the environment: Reduce your use of plastics and other pollutants, which can harm turtle populations.

- Be mindful of your impact on turtle habitats: Avoid activities that damage or destroy turtle habitats, such as beachfront development and off-road vehicles on dunes.

- Support sustainable fishing practices: Turtles are often accidentally caught in fishing gear, so supporting sustainable fishing practices can help reduce turtle deaths.

- Be a responsible beach-goer: When visiting beaches, avoid disturbing nesting turtles and their hatchlings, and dispose of trash properly.

- Don't buy products from illegal wildlife trade: Don't buy products made from turtle shells, leather, or eggs which are mostly from illegal trade.

- Educate others: Share information about turtles and the threats they face with friends, family, and community members.

By purchasing one of our turtle bracelets, you will support a real sea turtle and conservation efforts to protect and preserve these endangered species. Your purchase will help fund important research and conservation initiatives, and you will receive updates on the turtle you supported.

Supporting a sea turtle remotely through a conservation program not only supports the protection and preservation of these ancient creatures but also helps to ensure the health and balance of marine ecosystems. Sea turtles play an important role in maintaining these ecosystems and their population has been declining due to human activities, by supporting a sea turtle, you are supporting conservation efforts that protect sea turtle habitats, monitor and track sea turtle populations, and reduce threats to sea turtles. Additionally, supporting a sea turtle also supports educational programs that raise awareness about their importance and conservation actions.

Something curious to know

Traveling animals

Sea turtles migrate long distances to lay their eggs, with some species traveling thousands of miles between feeding and nesting grounds. For example, the leatherback sea turtle can travel up to 12,000 miles in a single year. This makes sea turtles one of the most wide-ranging species on the planet.

Health of marine ecosystems

Sea turtles play an important role in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems by helping to control populations of jellyfish and other prey, and by helping to distribute nutrients throughout the ecosystem through their feces. They also help to maintain the health of sea grass beds and coral reefs, which are important habitats for a wide variety of marine species.

Living Fossils

Sea turtles have been around for over 110 million years, making them one of the oldest groups of reptiles on Earth. They have survived through multiple mass extinctions and have remained relatively unchanged in terms of their physical characteristics. This is why they are often referred to as “living fossils.”

Join the Movement: Support a Sea Turtle Today

Together, we can make a real impact in protecting these magnificent creatures. We know that every single action counts, that's why we are committed to ensuring that each support makes a real difference. Please join us in our mission and make a difference today by supporting an animal through one of our bracelets. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself and make a real impact in the world!

And as a special bonus, we are offering limited edition bracelets that are not only beautiful but also exclusive. These bracelets are a symbol of your commitment to protecting these animals and will be a constant reminder of the impact you are making. But don't wait too long, time is running out for these creatures and every single support makes a difference. Take this opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself and support your sea turtle today.

Buy now your bracelet and make a difference in the world. Be one of the few who own a limited edition bracelet and know that you have made a real impact in saving an animal from extinction.



The Earth Protectors ® Community has supported more than 15,000 specimens of endangered animals.

Each bracelet tracks an animal and helps us save wildlife

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