Daphne, the fascinating dolphin living east of the Argentine coast, is a symbol of grace and majesty in pristine waters. This coastal region offers Daphne an ideal home to thrive, surrounded by rich marine life.
Visitors to these shores are enchanted by Daphne's elegant leaps and her playful interactions with other sea inhabitants. She embodies the beauty and harmony of this wonderful marine environment.
However, Daphne's survival is threatened by human activities. It is essential to take conservation measures to protect her habitat and preserve the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Daphne's presence inspires us to value and safeguard our oceans. Through continued conservation efforts, we can ensure that Daphne and the wonders of Argentina's east coast continue to enchant future generations.

Type: Dolphin
Genus : Male
Length : 3.5 meters
Name : Meet Daphne